Justice validates the extension of the training center

Work to extend the Stade Rennais training center will be able to continue. At the end of April, the city of Rennes gave the green light for the expansion of the Piverdière center, allowing the Breton club to ultimately have 15 hectares of training space compared to 11.5 hectares today. With the building permit validated, work began during the summer.

A month later, two environmental associations filed an appeal with the administrative court to request that the construction site be stopped. The Nature en ville association and the Sauvegarde de la Prévalaye collective contested in particular “the insufficiency of the impact study”, considering that the work had started during the reproduction and nesting period of protected species. They also denounced the waterproofing of the soil as well as the absence of “request for authorization under the water law. »

“No insufficiency” in the impact study

Examined on August 29, their appeal was dismissed according to an order issued on October 2. In its decision, the Rennes administrative court considers that “the impact study appears proportionate to the environmental sensitivity of the project site and does not present any inadequacy. » The other grievances of the two associations were also rejected by the summary judge.

Costing 35 million euros, the training center extension project should last at least until 2026.

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