Justice: Vaccination center employee charged with salt “vaccination”.

Vaccination center worker accused of saline “vaccination”.

The entrance to the district court of Oldenburg. photo

© Hauke-Christian Dittrich/dpa

It’s about bodily harm in 15 cases: A nurse is said to have raised syringes without active ingredients in Lower Saxony. drive of the woman? A critical attitude towards the pandemic measures.

In the case of suspected vaccinations with saline solution at the former corona vaccination center in Schortens, Lower Saxony (Friesland district), a former employee has to answer to the Oldenburg district court from today. The public prosecutor accuses the 38-year-old of assault in 15 cases, as the district court announced.

In April last year, the nurse at the time is said to have raised 15 syringes either only with saline solution or diluted the Covid vaccine so much with saline solution that it was no longer effective. At the start of the trial, three witnesses are to be heard after the indictment has been read, a court spokesman said.

Critical attitude to Corona measures

The syringes drawn up by the employee were used by other employees who were unaware of the actions of the accused. As a result, 15 people are said to have received injections without an effective Covid vaccine. According to the public prosecutor’s office, the background to the woman’s alleged actions was her critical attitude towards the measures taken to contain the corona pandemic.

The allegation of physical harm stems from the fact that those affected had consented to being pricked with a hypodermic needle for a corona vaccination. There was no consent for an ineffective substance.

The woman admitted to investigators that she filled six syringes for vaccinations mostly with saline. The reason she gave was that she dropped a bottle of vaccine while mixing it. She wanted to cover this up. However, the police later announced that, according to witness statements, it could not be ruled out that the woman had drawn up more syringes with saline solution.

Since then four-eyes principle

After the allegations became known, the district administrator had specified a four-eyes principle, so that two employees were always involved in opening the syringes.

Since it was no longer possible to trace who might have received vaccinations with ineffective active ingredients, the authorities called on more than 10,000 potentially affected people to have a third or even fourth vaccination as a precautionary measure. According to earlier information from the district, around 8,000 people received catch-up vaccinations via a vaccination center.


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