Justice: Uganda: Law against homosexuality confirmed

Uganda: Law against homosexuality confirmed

A couple with a pride flag: The legal situation of openly queer people is not only difficult in Uganda. photo

© AP/dpa

Uganda has one of the most restrictive anti-gay laws in Africa. Even the death penalty can be imposed in certain cases. Now the Constitutional Court has decided.

In Uganda’s Constitutional Court has confirmed the controversial law against homosexuality. The five judges who decided on a lawsuit against the internationally criticized law retained almost all of the provisions of the regulations. This also includes the death penalty and life imprisonment, which can be imposed in certain cases for homosexual acts.

The parliament of the East African country passed the law last year. Representatives of the LGBTQI community have reported in recent months that attacks on homosexuals and trans people have increased since the law was passed. LGBTQI is the English abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex. At the beginning of the year, a well-known gay rights activist was stabbed and seriously injured.

The legal situation of openly queer people is not only difficult in Uganda. Homosexuality is punishable in 32 African countries.


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