Justice, school, health… A program comparator launched by civil servants

Justice, school, health… The collective of civil servants Our Public Services launched on Tuesday a program comparator for the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, in order to compare the projects of the main parties in terms of public services.

Since the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly, “the debate does not arise at all on questions of public service and not at all on substantive questions”, regretted Arnaud Bontemps, member of the collective founded in 2021 which is clearly in opposition to the National Rally (RN) and the policy of the outgoing government for the 5.7 million public employees. “We don’t talk about concrete questions at all: will I have a teacher for my child? Will I be able to choose my bachelor’s and master’s degrees? “, he laments.

“Will I get a faster court decision? »

In its searchable program comparator here, the Nos Services publics collective identifies around thirty “concrete questions” linked to the main public services, for example “Will the police and gendarmerie be able to better protect me? », “Will the public hospital have the means to operate? », “Will I get a faster court decision? “.

The collective then analyzes the responses provided by the presidential camp, the New Popular Front (NFP), the RN and the Republicans not rallied to the RN. To do this, it is based not only on the party programs, but also on the declarations of their leaders, their proposals during previous elections or on the measures taken in recent years by the government.

So, to the question “Will the gendarmerie and the police be able to protect me better?” “, the answers range from “probably in the medium term” for the NFP to “no, all reinforcements are planned for the municipal police” (LR), via “not really” (Together for the Republic) and “only in the short term, on public roads” (RN).

Our 2024 legislative file

Each response is accompanied by a summary of the past comments, votes and programs of the party in question and analysis of our public services. This program comparison was carried out by around “thirty experts”, according to the collective. Among the latter are notably “researchers” and “members of the administration” from ministries, rectorates or even regional health agencies (ARS), adds Arnaud Bontemps.

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