Justice: sale of arms to Lübcke murderers: partial acquittal legal

Arms sale to Lübcke murderer: partial acquittal legal

The Karlsruhe court rejected the appeal by the Düsseldorf public prosecutor against a corresponding judgment by the Paderborn district court. photo

© Uli Deck/dpa

The general public prosecutor’s office in Düsseldorf fails with an appeal: The BGH confirms the partial acquittal of a man who is said to have delivered the murder weapon to the murderer of the CDU politician Lübcke.

The partial acquittal of a man in connection with the alleged sale of the murder weapon to the murderer of CDU politician Walter Lübcke is legal. That was decided by the competent BGH criminal senate.

The Karlsruhe court thus rejected the appeal by the Düsseldorf public prosecutor against a corresponding judgment by the Paderborn district court in January 2022. There the 68-year-old was acquitted of the charge of negligent homicide in January 2022. The regional court could not prove that the weapon was sold to the Lübcke assassin. He was only convicted of illegal possession of ammunition. (Az. 4 StR 212/22).


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