Justice orders the removal of the nativity scene from the town hall

Justice ordered the town hall of Béziers to remove the Christmas crib located in the main courtyard of the town hall, under penalty of 100 euros per day.

Seized by the League of Human Rights (LDH) in summary proceedings, the administrative court of Montpellier considered that the crèche “highlighted the nativity scene”. For justice, “this installation within the confines of a public building disregards the provisions of article 28 of the law of December 9, 1905 and the requirements attached to the principle of neutrality of public persons”.

“A measure of great brutality” for Robert Ménard

“We obey, but I regret this measure which is very brutal in the face of something which, however, unites”, reacted the mayor of Béziers Robert Ménard (DVD). He intends to move the nursery to the forecourt of the town hall and appealed to Biterrois to “come and support him” this Thursday, at noon, in front of the town hall.

The LDH had unsuccessfully requested the prefect of Hérault “to enforce the law”. In a letter dated December 5, the prefect had warned “that the State will not ask the mayor of Béziers to give up this installation”, considering that this crèche was “one animation among others” .

The LDH wonders “about the decision of the prefect of Hérault not to enforce the law”

“We are delighted to see that the judge enforces the law and the decision of the Council of State, but we are very questioning about the decision of the prefect of Hérault not to enforce the law”, reacted Sophie Mazas, president of the LDH of Hérault.

The Perpignan crèche is also the subject of a seizure at the Montpellier administrative court by the LDH, whose hearing is scheduled for December 20. On November 16, the Council of State had confirmed the ban on the Christmas crib of the town hall of Beaucaire, directed by the mayor RN Julien Sanchez.

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