Justice: moment of truth: Kevin Spacey in court in London

Moment of truth: Kevin Spacey in court in London

Actor Kevin Spacey leaves a courthouse in London. photo

© James Manning/PA Wire/dpa

Several men have accused actor Kevin Spacey of sexual assault. However, the former Hollywood star is convinced that he can prove his innocence at the trial in London.

US Hollywood star Kevin Spacey is expected to appear in court in London today on charges of alleged sexual assault. The 63-year-old two-time Oscar winner (“American Beauty”, “The Usual Suspects”) is accused of sexual offenses against four men. The former Netflix ‘House of Cards’ star has pleaded not guilty to all of the charges and made it clear he sees the trial as an opportunity to clear his name. If found guilty, he could face a prison sentence.

The sex offenses he is charged with range from molestation to coercion and are believed to have occurred in London and Gloucestershire between 2001 and 2013. Spacey, who was artistic director at London’s renowned Old Vic theater from 2004 to 2015, is expected to begin the morning trial at Southwark Crown Court. The hearing is scheduled to last four weeks.

Spacey won civil case in USA

This isn’t the first time the actor has faced court allegations of sexual misconduct. Last year he had to face a civil lawsuit in the United States. Actor Anthony Rapp accused Spacey of sexually assaulting and injuring Spacey at a party in 1986. He demanded $40 million in damages. But Spacey won the case. Two other civil lawsuits in the US have been dropped.

Guilty or not, Spacey’s acting career was temporarily over when the allegations surfaced. Rapp’s allegations, which were made public for the first time in 2017 in the course of the MeToo debate, led to many other allegations and shaken Spacey’s then successful career. Netflix ended its collaboration on the hit series House of Cards and is suing him for damages after complaints about him were received from employees on the set. The Old Vic also distanced itself from Spacey – allegations had also been made there. Scenes with him in the thriller “All The Money in the World” were even removed after the fact.

“To some extent I was an asshole”

Very shy of the media for a long time, Spacey opened up to “Zeit” magazine, which published a detailed report on several conversations with the previously popular Hollywood star in mid-June. The ‘Time’ writer visited Spacey at home in Baltimore, at an awards ceremony in Turin and on a film set in London where he was working on a low-budget film – one of a handful of roles he landed after the allegations surfaced.

Spacey was thoughtful about his past behavior towards others. “I think I tried really hard not to be an asshole. But I think to some extent I was an asshole,” he told the magazine of his interactions with other people as a star. He did not comment on the allegations made against him in London.

Referring to the London trial, he expressed confidence that the allegations would collapse. That was the case with the Rapp lawsuit and will be the case again, Spacey was convinced. However, he will probably no longer be able to repair his image in the media. Nevertheless, he hopes that after an acquittal in London, orders from Hollywood will come again. In ten years, according to Spacey, all this will be forgotten. His work will outlive him, it will be remembered.


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