Justice decides for the expulsion of a Ukrainian family… four days after the start of hostilities

The calendar is cruel to the judicial machine. As revealed by Chained Duck this Wednesday, a Ukrainian family who had taken refuge in Toulouse since 2015 learned on February 28, four days after Vladimir Putin unleashed hostilities, that they were going to be deported to their country of origin.

The decision, of which 20 minutesits been able to become aware and which seems disconnected from reality at the very least at a time when millions of Ukrainians are fleeing their country, was rendered by the Administrative Court of Appeal of Bordeaux. The latter reversed, at the request of the Haute-Garonne prefecture, a decision of the Toulouse administrative court which had canceled the expulsion of Anton * in October 2021. So certainly, the hearing on this case took place on January 24, exactly one month before the war. And the magistrates probably made their decision in stride. “But they still manage to write on February 28 that a Ukrainian can return to his country without risk”, underlines Julien Brel, the family lawyer, with bitterness.

And even if there is no risk that a hypothetical return plane will be chartered, the lawyer has just, in addition to an exceptional request for residence made to the prefecture in mid-February, to send a request on a “humanitarian basis”. “After a while, you just have to allow these people to have rights,” insists Julien Brel.

Mixed couple “

Because the nightmare of Anton and his wife, both deaf, started well before the arrival of the Russian tanks. The 36-year-old father is from Lugansk, capital of one of the two pro-Russian separatist regions, whose independence Vladimir Putin recognized on February 21. The war has been raging there since 2014. His wife is from Vinnytsia, 250 km southwest of Kiev. In the early days of their marriage, the “mixed” couple lived with Anton. “But it became dangerous for them, because they couldn’t hear the warning sirens,” explains Julien Brel. They moved to Vinnytisa, where Anton’s beautiful family did not really welcome him with open arms. “They considered him a traitor to the fatherland, not to mention the tough controls of the Ukrainian police,” continues the lawyer.

This is how the couple landed in France, without papers. Anton and his wife had two children in Toulouse, the eldest of whom is 6 years old and suffers from severe congenital kidney disease. In the judgment delivered on February 28, the Administrative Court of Appeal of Bordeaux considers that the little one can be treated there “without risk” and that “given their young age” the children will be able to continue a “normal schooling” there…

* The first name has been changed

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