Justice: Capitol storming: Trump promises pardons

Storming of the Capitol: Trump promises pardons

Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally. Photo: Jason Fochtman/Houston Chronicle via AP/dpa

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When the Capitol was stormed, five people were killed and dozens injured. Ex-President Trump, on the other hand, is concerned about the perpetrators.

Former President Donald Trump promised pardons to those involved in the storming of the US Capitol a year ago if he was re-elected.

These are currently “treated so unfairly,” said Trump at a performance in the state of Texas in front of thousands of supporters. If he runs again in the 2024 presidential election and wins, he will work for “fair” treatment, Trump said. “And if pardons are needed, we will give them pardons because they are being treated so unfairly,” Trump said on Saturday evening (local time).

By the end of December, US justice had arrested more than 700 people for involvement in the storming of the Capitol. Hundreds have already been charged with various crimes. Some people accused of violence against the security forces, among other things, have already been sentenced to several years in prison. Numerous investigations by the Federal Police FBI and proceedings by the judiciary are still ongoing.

A US president can pardon criminals convicted under federal law — even after serving a sentence.

Goaded on by Trump’s speech

After an inciting speech by Republican Trump, his supporters stormed the seat of Congress in the capital Washington on January 6 last year. They wanted to prevent the confirmation of Democrat Joe Biden’s victory. The attack killed five people and injured dozens. The attack on the heart of US democracy shook the country.

In addition to the judiciary, an investigative committee of the House of Representatives is also trying to investigate the attack. Trump described the panel’s work as a “disgrace” when he appeared in Texas.

The Republican continues to refuse to concede his defeat in the November 2020 election. The 75-year-old has not yet officially announced that he wants to run for re-election in 2024 – but he keeps hinting at it. So far, there is no promising Republican candidate in sight should Trump try again for the candidacy.


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