“Justice cannot deal with violence against women alone” warns the prosecutor

A “hardening of Bordeaux delinquency”, points out the prosecutor of the Republic of Bordeaux, Frédérique Porterie. The presentation this Thursday of the judicial report for the year 2021 of the Bordeaux Court of Appeal by the prosecutor and the president of the court Eric Ruelle, shows with a bang that the “dynamism”, “attractiveness” of the territory, bring the Bordeaux metropolis to “little by little join the typology of the other [grandes] cities of France in criminal matters” analyzes the magistrate.

Thus, the number of complaints about the jurisdiction increased by 18.3% in 2021, that of cases handled by 13.6%. Immediate appearances are “very sharply on the rise”. On the narcotics front, “cannabis remains a flagship product in the region”. But it is above all intra-family violence and particularly violence against women, with in particular two feminicides, which marked the year 2021. we went to 3,000 complaints in 2021,” laments Frédérique Porterie.

“Violent men are not violent because justice would not deal with them”

In this intra-family violence, immediate appearances in matters of domestic violence jumped by 78% in 2021. The proof that “the repressive policy is there, demonstrates the public prosecutor, and for all that, that does not stop violent husbands , nor frustrated spouses. ” Clearly: It is not justice, sometimes singled out in the treatment upstream of the respondents, “which is responsible for this phenomenon. » « Violent men are not violent because justice would not have taken care of them, or would not have sanctioned them before, yet, this is a bit of what we read, more and more. Where is our responsibility? »

The two feminicides committed in 2021, the one against Chahinez Daoudburned alive in the middle of the street in Mérignac on May 4, then that
against Sandra, 31 found stabbed in the Saint-Augustin district in Bordeaux on July 2, “marked us, impacted us” assures Frédérique Porterie. “We wonder, we analyze all this, we looked at what had been done well, less well done…” On the last feminicide committed in the Saint-Augustin district, “nobody saw that this man was about to kill his ex-partner, while two days before he went to the judge, who prohibited him from coming into contact with her, ”explains the prosecutor.

During his police custody, we learned that the suspect, the ex-companion of the victim, aged 36, was to appear the following November for “repeated sending of malicious messages between January 3 and June 17, 2021 » against his ex-partner. Six convictions appeared in his record (drug offenses and traffic offenses), but he had never been “convicted for acts of violence”, specified the prosecution at the time. “No one saw the dangerousness of this man, who had never been convicted of violence, and who had never called her to threaten to kill her,” adds the prosecutor today.

“Not convinced” by the creation of a national prosecutor’s office dedicated to violence against women

“The focus is now on police investigations, treatment by the prosecution, convictions by judges, continues the magistrate, but upstream there is still a whole education to be done, and it starts right away. small, at home and then at school. It is a global phenomenon, which shows a societal problem, which justice cannot deal with alone. »

On the question of the creation of a national prosecutor’s office dedicated to violence against women, on the model of that created in Spain in 2003, Frédérique Porterie believes that “each country has its history” and that despite the existence of this tool, “There has been an increase in feminicides in Spain over the past year. “I am not convinced that a national prosecutor for violence against women would solve the problem” analyzes the prosecutor, who thinks that above all “means” are needed for French justice.

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