Just Spices Advent calendar in the star test – is the content good?

With its 24 small doors behind which surprises are hidden, Advent calendars sweeten our wait for Christmas Eve. The manufacturer Just Spices not only sweetens the time with its calendar, but also adds a certain spice to the waiting time. The star looked behind every door.

Advent calendars are no longer limited to chocolate fillings. Cosmetics, jewelry, liquor and toy calendars, among others, have now conquered the market. Our author is a passionate amateur cook who would give herself five stars. That’s why she’s excited to take a closer look at the Just Spices Advent calendar and test the contents. This is what lies behind companies and doors.

Just Spices Advent Calendar: This is how the company came about

It all started in a student shared apartment. Ole, Bela and Florian decided to cook Indian food. As they gathered in the kitchen, they realized they were missing most of the spices needed to make a truly authentic dish. Of course, they would have had the opportunity to buy all the spices they needed individually in the supermarket. But instead, the three friends came up with a daring plan: They would travel around the world together in search of new taste experiences and exotic spices for their new project, which they called “Just Spices”. In 2012 the time had come: the start-up “Just Spices” was founded. Just two years later they brought their first spice mixtures onto the market. Thanks to their classics such as Avocado Topping, Stullen Spice and the Italian Allrounder, the company grew rapidly. Almost as fast as the increasingly diverse range of products that should refine every dish without the use of artificial additives. No matter whether it was breakfast or snacks, bread or cake, lunch or dinner – Just Spices had the right spice for (almost) every dish.

Spoiler: This is in the Just Spices Advent calendar

Our author receives the calendar in a large box that could have accommodated a massive fully automatic coffee machine. The can-shaped Advent calendar is rolled up in cardboard. The material makes a high-quality and creatively designed impression. In another box there is a hardcoverCookbook with 100 pasta dishes, which alone costs 24.99 euros. After briefly browsing through, one or two pictures of steaming dishes, for example the Mie noodle bowl or a vegetarian rainbow lasagne, are convincing – it tastes good. Behind the doors of the Advent calendar are the small tins with original spice mixtures. There is also a 5 euro voucher from the manufacturer in the last compartment. There is also a recipe idea on each back of the 24 doors, which can be viewed via a scannable QR code. The Advent calendar from Just Spices costs 99.90 euros. Our author wants to find out whether the price is worth it.

Is the calendar convincing?

If you add the individual sales price of the 24 spice tins – which cost around 5 euros each – the total is 125 euros. With the cookbook and shopping voucher, the calendar is definitely worth it. The spice mixtures are also convincing. Whether pasta, fish, meat or vegetable dishes – there is something for every taste here. Every mixture is a new surprise, no can is twice the same. Eight personal taste highlights particularly pampered our tester’s palate.

These are our author's highlights from the Just Spices Advent Calendar.

These are our author’s highlights from the Just Spices Advent calendar

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Some of their highlights include these spice mixtures:

  • Salad topping
  • Texas BBQ mix
  • Aglio e Olio spice
  • Fried potato spice mix
  • Fish all-rounder
  • Minced meat seasoning
  • Bagel topping
  • Chicken all-rounder

The stern author’s conclusion

The Advent calendar from Just Spices scores in all areas. In terms of price, the purchase is worth it, the creative and high-quality look is impressive, and the content is tasty. There is no spice mixture that our author can’t do anything with. A total of eight cans are particularly impressive. All in all, the Just Spices calendar adds a certain spice to the Christmas season. Anyone who likes to cook and is keen to experiment at the stove will definitely enjoy this.

Source: “Just Spices”

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