Just installed, the new “innovative island of freshness” is reacting

“Nantes on the verge of inventing a tree”. Since Monday, taunts like these have been piling up on social networks after the installation of new street furniture being tested in Rezé-Pont-Rousseau, near Nantes. Baptized Coasisthis structure made up of a connected bench overhung by a yellow sail and a planter in reclaimed wood is presented as a particularly innovative “island of freshness”.

Its design is based on the principle of biomimicry, that is to say the reproduction of existing natural models applied to an industrial innovation, explains its designer, Spie batignolles, selected as part of the Nantes city Lab. “Coasis” thus incorporates a roof sail of approximately 6 m2 which recreates the shape of a leaf to create shade and collect the runoff of rainwater up to the planter in order to promote the cooling of the space. You can also charge your phone there or even sit there to work with your computer, thanks to the solar panels.

“A tree remains and will always remain more effective!” »

Arguments that arouse many reactions. “Isn’t it a bit counterproductive to tar everything and then stick on ugly and surely expensive parasols?” “, asks a user. “You don’t have the same model without the concrete on the ground, neither steel nor canvas, like grass and trees? “, quips another. Other more violent remarks would have even been addressed to the vice-president of Nantes metropolis for innovation Francky Trichet, who reports having had to delete one of his tweets following “hate messages”.

To the others, here is what he replied: “A tree remains and will always remain more efficient! (…) But it is sometimes impossible on certain sites to plant a tree that grows quickly to quickly provide shade and coolness for multiple reasons such as soil pollution for example”. According to the elected official, “the shadow cast on the seated furniture is four hours from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m., and it is indeed on this beach that the heat peaks are to be considered at their strongest! »

other devices

Last year, a first device called “Corolle” had been installed on the island of Nantes, in a place “where we cannot plant trees for technical reasons”. Two more of these metal structures, on which climbing plants grow, are to appear. A third concept was chosen to occupy Place du Commandant-Cousteau, in the Bottière district, in September. A pergola will accommodate several varieties of vines and four benches and buried jars will be placed under the shaded space. As for Coasis, the experiment should last until October 2023.

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