Junta closes airspace over Niger

Status: 07.08.2023 04:04

In Niger, the military junta has closed the country’s airspace. Reason are the threats of an intervention from the neighboring countries. Meanwhile, France suspended its aid to Burkina Faso, which is helping Niger.

In view of the threat of military intervention by the West African community of states ECOWAS, the military junta in Niger has closed the country’s airspace. A statement by the junta’s spokesman on national television said any attempt to violate airspace would be met immediately and vigorously. The reason for the step are the increasingly clear threats of intervention from neighboring countries.

An ultimatum from ECOWAS to the military junta, which has been in power in Niger since a coup d’état at the end of July, expired at the weekend. The group of states had called on the new rulers in Niger to reinstate President Mohamed Bazoum and restore constitutional order within a week. The group would otherwise take measures that could include violence, it said. It was initially unclear when the group of states wanted to decide on their further course of action and a possible military deployment.

Algeria refuses to intervene

However, such an approach is controversial in the region. Algeria’s President Abdelmadjid Tebboune warned at the weekend that military intervention in Niger could destabilize the entire Sahel region, according to the newspaper “El-Bilad” and the news site Ennahar. Tebboune therefore strictly ruled out Algeria’s participation in a military intervention.

Algeria – Niger’s northern neighbor – is not a member of ECOWAS and is not bound by the ultimatum of the group of states. Niger’s southern neighbor, the economic and military heavyweight Nigeria, seems to be pushing for decisive action against the putschists under President Bola Tinubu.

After President Bazoum was ousted, General Abdourahamane Tiani proclaimed himself the new ruler. Shortly after his takeover, the putschists suspended the constitution and dissolved all constitutional institutions. An ECOWAS mediation mission had to leave Niger on Thursday without meeting Tiani.

Burkina Faso loses aid

Meanwhile, France suspended its development and budget support for Burkina Faso. This applies “until further notice,” said the French Foreign Ministry. The move comes days after Burkina Faso and Mali announced that they would consider military action against military rulers in Niger a “declaration of war.”

The French Foreign Ministry had already declared that it “firmly and resolutely” supported ECOWAS’ efforts to reinstate Bazoum. A few days after the coup, France had already suspended development and budget support for Niger. Relations between France and Burkina Faso have deteriorated since a coup in the West African country in September 2022.

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