Junta blocks new elections: New sanctions against crisis state Mali

As of: January 9th, 2022 9:20 pm

The West African confederation Ecowas has imposed new sanctions against Mali. Among other things, the financial aid for the crisis state is suspended. The reason: The military junta in the country does not want to hold free elections for the time being.

Because the military junta in Mali, West Africa, is continuing to oppose new elections in the near future, the West African confederation of states Ecowas has imposed new sanctions on the crisis state. Most trade and financial aid would be suspended and all borders with Mali would be closed with immediate effect, according to the final declaration of the Ecowas summit in Ghana.

The Malian military junta under Assimi Goita had previously announced that it would remain in power for four more years – although Goita had originally promised to hold new elections a good 18 months after his first coup at the end of February. Ecowas rejected the delay as “completely unacceptable”. It simply means that an illegitimate military transitional government will hold the Malian people hostage for the next five years.

Three military coups in less than ten years

The politically extremely unstable Mali, where Bundeswehr soldiers are also deployed, has seen three military coups since 2012. The interim government recently admitted the presence of Russian trainers in the country and stressed that it had given them the same mandate as the EU training mission EUTM. Germany, France, Great Britain and other countries had accused her of bringing mercenaries from the Russian company Wagner into the country.

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