Jungle camp: No “celebrity dinner” for Filip Pavlović

jungle camp
No “Celebrity Dinner” for Filip Pavlović

The jungle camp stars at a glance - Jungle King Filip Pavlović is enthroned in the middle.

The jungle camp stars at a glance – Jungle King Filip Pavlović is enthroned in the middle.

© RTL / Stefan Menne

VOX deletes “The perfect celebrity dinner – jungle special”. Filip Pavlović and Co. compete for “Grill den Henssler”.

Almost six weeks after the jungle camp finale on RTL, the fans are still waiting in vain for “The Perfect Celebrity Dinner – Jungle Special”. “For program planning reasons, no ‘The Perfect Celebrity Dinner – Jungle Special’ is currently planned, confirms VOX at the request of the news agency spot on news.

In recent years, the jungle edition of the popular VOX format “The Perfect Dinner” has almost become a tradition. The candidates cooked for each other in different groups. However, the fans do not have to do without a reunion with the jungle camp stars.

The reigning jungle king Filip Pavlović (27) as well as Anouschka Renzi (57) and Harald Glööckler (56) appear on April 10 (8:15 p.m., VOX) in a jungle special against Steffen Henssler (49) in his successful show “Grill den Henssler”. The former jungle camp stars then have to prove at the stove that they can not only cook rice with beans and assert themselves against the TV chef.


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