Jungle Camp: Finalists must master these tests

jungle camp
Finalists must master these exams

Filip Pavlovic competes in the final of the “Athos” test.

© RTL / Stefan Menne

Eric, Filip or Manuel? Before the new king of the jungle is crowned on Saturday evening, the candidates have to pass three exams.

The three finalists Filip Pavlovic (27), Eric Stehfest (32) and Manuel Flickinger (33) will fight for the title in the jungle camp on Saturday evening. The broadcaster RTL has announced in which three tests the trio must compete beforehand. The tasks in the last episode of the anniversary season of “I’m a star – get me out of here!” bear the names of the three musketeers “Athos”, “Porthos” and “Aramis”.

The three celebrity campers can each earn five stars – three of them for the same number of starters, main courses and desserts. With a fourth star, every star can secure their favorite drink and the fifth star stands for an additional “goodie”. The finale runs from 10:15 p.m. directly after the new episode of “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” on RTL (also on RTL+).

What do celebrities have to do?

Pavlovic competes in the “Athos” test. He has to endure ten minutes strapped into a big star and gets company from all kinds of animals. “I was so looking forward to the exam, but I’m already a little scared,” explains the former “Bachelorette” candidate, according to a statement. Kattia Vides (33) was faced with this task in the twelfth season.

The “Porthos” test meanwhile stands firm. He is served five courses, in each of which he has to choose between a delicacy or a significantly less appetizing alternative. Only the second option brings a star. Ex-boxer Sven Ottke (54) last faced this challenge in 2020.

Manuel goes into the “Aramis” jungle test. He wears diving goggles and a snorkel and gets a glass helmet put on. This is first filled with water and then with frogs and eels. Most recently, the model Larissa Marolt (29) tried it in the eighth season.


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