Jungle camp day 9: kebab deals and royal burps

Jungle camp day 9
Mountain festival in the camp: doner kebab deals and royal burps

The jungle test made little appetite

© Stefan Thoyah / RTL

Mountain festival in the jungle camp. The psyche of the residents is stricken. Tessa continues to have beef with Cecilia. Cosimo is hungry and proposes a kebab deal to RTL. Gigi pulls blank and lets go again. And Markus bravely eats pig brains and beef anus – and in the end has to go anyway.

By Mark Stoehr

whaat? Markus is out? The grand seigneur with the neatly combed back silver mat? The only real gentleman in this indelicate environment of dazzlers and rednecks? Ironically, the man with the hits does not make it into the top ten? Unbelievable. Shame on you 50 cent callers!

High culture leaves the camp with Markus Möhrl. Polite behavior, well-groomed appearance, extensive knowledge of German syntax – all this is now back in the Versace. In the jungle test, the 63-year-old jumped admirably over his shadow and shoveled the most absurd atrocities into himself alongside Jolina “I’ve thrown up three times in my mouth” Mennen. Pig brain, camel lung, cow nose, cattle anus, ox tripe – as a nightcap there was a glass of intestine juice for everyone. The NDW legend chewed and fought, allowing himself the odd royal burp as the only breach of etiquette.

Claudia’s slippery Tupperware

There would have been enough other suitable expulsion candidates. Jana, for example, who dissolves more and more like an incense stick and only hallucinates through the camp as a ghost. Or Claudia, who in her slippery Tupperware embodies everything that German campers are ashamed of abroad. Tessa, of course, the bad-mood aunt on duty whose fanbase will remain an eternal mystery.

Yesterday she brushed her teeth passive-aggressively as usual and had a toxic exchange of blows with Cecilia from brush to brush, so to speak. It was about the escalation from the night before. Who threatened whom? Who had set themselves up against whom? Who has the wrong perception, who has the right one? Super boring. Involuntarily in the middle: Markus. He was sitting on the toilet listening to all the bullshit first hand. Today he can pull himself off, at least.

Lucas Cordalis also raises questions. Top favorite before the show, now an underperformer. Yesterday he tried his hand at motivating Cosimo, who was having a bad day and suffering from an energy crisis (“I think about spaghetti bolognese all the time”). Lucas squeezed him district league slogans like “We’re going through here” or “Tomorrow there will be another attack” and patted him like a dog owner who wants to get his trolls to go for a walk.

Jungle camp Day 9: Mountain festival in the camp: doner kebab deals and royal burps

Lovelessly botched marriage proposal for Verena

Cosimo, this extraordinary person, didn’t need a coach, he got himself out of the hole. He quickly dropped the idea of ​​playing “city, country, river” (“Oh, we need paper and pen, I’m an idiot”), so he drummed up his gang and boarded the jungle phone with Gigi and Cecilia. The deal he suggested to the director: a “fat show” for a kebab “with everything”. As expected, the story got out of hand after a short time. With the words “I’m ready to give everything”, Gigi dropped his pants and presented his bare bottom. Cosimo shocked: “Your mother saw you like that!” Gigi nonchalantly back: “She gave birth to me like this.”

Hours later, the two linguistic geniuses stumbled through the nocturnal undergrowth as “Alpha girls” (Gigi) and “Alfa Romeo” (Cosimo). treasure hunt. They should save an egg clutch from falling. That didn’t work out very well. Other issues were more important. Gigi worried about his belly, which could melt away by the end of the jungle because of the miserable hunger – because: “Belly is back in fashion.” Because it’s apparently kind of his trademark now, he released a hearty fart into the Australian night, whereupon his companion reprimanded him: “You’re waking up the birds!” That was almost Shakespeare.

Meanwhile, Verena Kehrt and Marc Terenzi lay in their hotel bed and planned their upcoming TV wedding. The stripper had proposed to the 41-year-old after her return from the camp. Fall on your knees and hold out the ring. It has to be said that it was messed up quite unlovingly, overflowing with cheap kitsch. The couple can contact Markus Möhrl if they have any questions. He already has such an RTL event behind him.

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