Jungle camp day 3: Verena Kehrt’s laugh tugs at the nerves of the campers

jungle camp
“Like two goats mating with each other” – Verena Kehrt’s laugh tugs on the nerves of the campers

The two players’ wives Claudia Effenberg (l.) And Verena Kerth tug on the nerves of the campers


On day three in the jungle camp, the campers’ physical transformation is in full swing. And the masks are also falling socially. In the eye of the shitstorm: the two players’ wives Claudia Effenberg and Verena Kerth.

Has Jana Pallaske watched too much Harry Potter? Gigi Birofio has his theory. How, in this jungle radio hole, he constantly comes into contact with something so wavy, swirly, volatile that other people would call thoughts. It’s like a fag in your head that keeps smoking forever. In any case, the 23-year-old left his first session at Psycho-Pallaske rather helpless. “Do you want to be addicted to something?” she asked him in a soft voice about his nicotine addiction. Gigi apparently associated the sound and the whole build-up of tension with the start of a tantra session. He wanted to know whether it was touching and such. “Unfortunately no,” the Pallaske breathed enraptured, as if she had swallowed two phenobarbital at once. Gigi was immediately back to himself: “So ‘a fag would be really cool now.”

Privileged P1 Biographies

Like every year in the jungle, it’s the obligatory clash of cultures. Everyone presses their sometimes more, sometimes less consistent necessities into the same outhouse – and otherwise strives for distinction. The two player wives Claudia Effenberg and Verena Kerth in particular make no secret of their privileged P1 biographies. A life like a year-round heated stadium pitch. To their amusement, they let the two reality clowns Cosimo and Gigi breakdance and talk nonsense. Gigi zur Kerth: “Is the boat as good in bed as it is in goal?” Returns artificially indignant: “He’s the Titan! Think first before you ask a question like that.” Gigi, the philosopher in the chav, didn’t let the Diss sit on him for long. When washing dishes with Cecilia Asoro, he launched into a tirade that had washed up. The two luxury aunts are “fame horny”, Kerth even “high-class fame horny” – “she would never date a farmer.” For her laughter he found one of the most beautiful language images in the history of the show: “As if you are a goat and you want to mate with another goat.” In the evening, even the group shaman Pallaske clashed with the Kahn ex. Sweeping accused her of not getting involved in the team and instead meditating in the woods all day. Pallaske gave the radio presenter’s endless drooling as the reason for her withdrawal – an occupational disease, one might assume. “It’s just sending, sending, sending all the time,” the vegan shouted at the “Kahnivorin” with unusual sharpness. “You have to go away.”

Tessa flees from the cameramen

This time Tessa Bergmeier and Cosimo Citiolo took a seat in the confessional. She talked about her bipolarity, in which she once felt like a “fairy of love” during a manic phase. He was addicted to gambling until three years ago. Sending the two together in the jungle test was a strategically wise choice by the spectators – because the duo screwed up across the board. And literally. The whole thing was called “Shitstorm” and was a kind of collective crossword with outpourings and eruptions of the usual atrocities. Tessa was so unnerved afterwards that she didn’t want to give an interview and gave herself a chase with the rangers and cameramen (“That’s unhygienic as fuck, I’m fucking wet!”). But there is also the good world in Camp 16 – with the wonderful Papis Loveday and the phenomenal Djamila Rowe. What warmth, what a joke. When Dad said that if he ate too much, he would get a head like a puffer fish, Djamila shared one of her (not uncommon) beauty doc fails. “I once overdid it with hyaluronic acid when I was injected. I had cheeks you could put a cup on!’ Huge laughter. And the 55-year-old had another cracker in store: “During the skydive on the first day, I thought, oh, what’s happening to my lips, with all the pressure up there. Then I get to the bottom and my lips are gone.” Luckily there’s a little bit left, because the Rowe is also highly talented in another discipline: ranting about others in a very entertaining way.

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