Jungle camp: Cora Schumacher taunts Oliver Pocher

After jungle camp exit
Cora Schumacher teases Oliver Pocher: “Perhaps the reason why things never work out with his wives”

Watch the video: “I don’t need Oliver Pocher” – Cora Schumacher reacts to affair headlines.
Video source: rtl.de

Immediately after her voluntary exit from the jungle camp, Cora Schumacher was confronted with Oliver Pocher’s statements about her and her alleged affair. She couldn’t resist a little taunt.

Cora Schumacher admitted in the jungle camp that she may have had a bit of a “crush” when she talked about her alleged affair with comedian Oliver Pocher. “Yes, Olli, the funny one, from Kölle. I’ve known Oliver Pocher for 20 years. He just asked if he could come over, and of course, I was happy to open the door for him because I like him.” , she said on the jungle telephone right at the beginning of her time at the camp. On day three, Schumacher left the camp voluntarily – and was directly confronted with Pocher’s statements.

Jungle camp: Cora Schumacher reacts to Oliver Pocher’s tips

Because the comedian hadn’t held back recently with swipes at his alleged affair. Ironically, he recently said on stage that after Amira he “finally wanted a woman with style and class”. He then joked that he was having an affair with Ralf Schumacher. He “met Cora in a library, she borrowed a coloring book,” said Pocher. Words that could hurt the racing driver. “That’s just Oliver Pocher,” she said confidently after leaving camp. “I don’t need Oliver Pocher. I don’t need his headlines or his money. I have it all myself,” said Schumacher.

She blamed his words on his comedy tour “Der Liebeskasper”, in which Pocher regularly mocks his estranged wife Amira. “The ‘Liebeskasper’ tour has to go on, right? That’s what it looks like. Olli is Olli and Olli remains Olli,” said the ex-wife of racing driver Ralf Schumacher. But the 47-year-old couldn’t resist a little dig at her alleged lover. “If you look back, he always defines himself through his relationship. Maybe that’s also the reason why things don’t work out for him with women,” joked Schumacher.

Criticism on the internet is becoming increasingly clear

Meanwhile, Pocher himself is receiving more and more headwind because of his statements. More and more people are expressing criticism, especially on Instagram. The fact that he constantly drags his wife and mother of three children through the dirt doesn’t go down well with them. “And there are really people/women sitting there who are still laughing about it? Crazy…” commented one user. “You should be ashamed of yourself!” wrote actress Nina Kristin.

Transparency note: The star is part of RTL Germany.


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