Jungle Camp 2024: Day 1 in the live blog: The jungle is calling – and the celebrities are finally moving in!

Anniversary in the jungle camp: 20 years ago the first candidates moved into the Australian jungle. Now twelve more or less prominent people are fighting for the crown again. The star accompanies the first evening in the ticker.

20 years of jungle camp − incredible! In 2004, Sonja Zietlow and Dirk Bach (†) welcomed celebrities down under for the first time. Now the 17th season is coming up – and again the motto is: “I’m a star – get me out of here!”.

Also this year he accompanies star the slips and torments of the A to Z celebrities with a hawk’s eyes again – and is looking forward to the notoriously nasty tests for the campers. Everything about moving into camp and the first day – here in the live ticker!

Transparency note: The star is part of RTL Deutschland.

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