Jungle camp 2023: Finale with Gigi, Lucas and Djamila

The final in the jungle camp in 2023 and before that, the three candidates Djamila Rowe, Gigi Birofio and Lucas Cordalis traditionally had to master some of the hardest and most disgusting jungle tests. The aim is to earn stars for the last dinner in camp. Up to five stars per camper are possible.

It didn’t work so well for Djamila. She broke off the jungle test with the title “Correct” prematurely because she couldn’t breathe in the water tank. But that also meant zero stars. Gigi fought for three stars in his food test called “Krass” and Lucas managed four stars in the “Stabil” test.

In the end, everyone could look forward to a main course and a dessert. For Lucas there was even a beer as a drink.

On RTL+ the jungle camp is available in the live stream and in full length after the shows


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