Jungle camp 20220: Linda Nobat would like to go into politics

Jungle camp 2022
Linda Nobat would like to go into politics

Linda Nobat has a lot to say and is interested in a political career.

© RTL / Stefan Menne

Linda Nobat already mentioned in the jungle camp that she was interested in politics, but now the jungle dropout deepened the topic again.

On the twelfth day, former “Bachelor” candidate Linda Nobat was hit. She had to leave the camp. After a short spa rest and the long-awaited hot shower, the jungle camp candidate appeared again in front of the cameras and reported that she would not rule out a political career.

The articulate Linda is already quite practiced in politically formulated sentences. You could not only follow her strong arguments and analyzes in the camp, even after she left the show, she continued with them. In “I’m a star – get me out of here! ‘The hour after'” she says: “Well I left at exactly the right time.” The moderator Maurice Gajda corrected: “You have to say, you were left by the viewers, you didn’t go voluntarily. You told me that you didn’t go voluntarily.” Linda nods and adds: “Right, I wouldn’t have gone voluntarily because you face the matter, you want to bring it to an end.” The 27-year-old has mastered the quick verbal retreat, which would be quite relevant for a political career.

Linda Nobat is interested in political career

As the conversation continues with the presenter, Linda Nobat explains that she would like to use her now well-known reputation for something more meaningful than reality TV. When she does this, however, her counterpart has problems following her content and asks her to summarize what she said again in one sentence: “I’m great,” is Linda’s summary. The moderator regrets: “It’s a shame, I would have liked to have listened to television or politics because I like listening to you.” Unexpectedly, Linda counters: “Yes, I would like to do that, that’s a topic we can debate and talk about longer.”

“You heard it, Linda is going into politics,” says Gajda enthusiastically. “Oh, not yet,” adds Linda. Her euphoric reaction and the formulated “not yet” show her interest in a political career. It remains to be seen whether she actually concretizes this way of life and whether the “Playboy” shooting before her jungle career will still stand in her way politically, as she already said in the camp.

Source: RTL

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