Jungle camp 2022: That was “difficult” for Harald Glööckler

Jungle camp 2022
That was “difficult” for Harald Glööckler

Designer Harald Glööckler fought his way through the 2022 jungle camp.

© RTL / Stefan Menne

“It’s even more blatant than it looks on TV,” says designer Harald Glööckler about the jungle camp – and means one detail above all.

Designer and entrepreneur Harald Glööckler (56) was released on Friday from the RTL jungle camp (also on RTL+) chosen. In an interview with the news agency spot on news, he reviews his participation in the reality show again and comes to the conclusion that it “is actually even more blatant than it looks on TV”. He also explains how high the physical strain was.

How are you today after moving out of the jungle camp?

Harald Glööckler: I’m doing great. I’ve just been washed, bathed, combed, brushed, shaved, ate, drank cappuccino and am in good spirits.

You’ve seemed depressed over the past few days. What was the most distressing?

Glööckler: I had reached a point where my body said to me: “I’ve been through your excursion on the bunks long enough, now it’s enough.” Last but not least, it was good that I was able to move out of the camp.

Was your stay in the jungle camp as you imagined it or different?

Glööckler: It wasn’t a surprise for me, I just didn’t expect the extreme lack of sleep. Otherwise I imagined the jungle camp to be 100 percent exactly how it was. In contrast to others who may have thought before that it only looks so spartan on TV and behind the scenes the cold buffet is waiting for us. All in all, I thought it was a great experience – and it was nice that the viewers were able to see that the Glööckler does something like that too.

So there really isn’t a “cold buffet behind the scenes”?

Glööckler: No, that really doesn’t exist and we aren’t led into any bedroom when the cameras are off. It’s actually even worse than it looks on TV. For example, they could have shown the wonderful toilet – a real thunderbolt.

What was particularly difficult for you?

Glööckler: It was new and difficult for me to be with twelve people I didn’t know well, day and night in a small space. I’m not used to this. We live in a big villa and I have incredible freedom and usually only meet people I want to meet.

How exhausting was the interpersonal interaction?

Glööckler: The ability to work in a team and mutual support do play a role in the jungle camp. But at the end of the day, it’s not a football team that’s being locked up in a camp. They are lone wolves fighting out their personal battles in there. I’m realistic enough. But everything was okay. Because when I make a decision, I don’t discuss it with myself, then it’s just done – and that’s how it was in this case.

You have refused an exam based on your decision to be a vegetarian. What feedback did you get on this?

Glööckler: I haven’t opened my WhatsApp account or read Instagram yet, so I don’t know. But I think the reactions will be mutual. Some will say that it cost me calls, others will have found it good that I stand by my convictions and don’t sell my values ​​by hook or by crook.

Who do you wish the jungle crown on?

Glööckler: I wish the jungle crown to whoever wins it. Because one of the remaining jungle candidates is so dear to me as the other one.


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