Jungle camp 2022: Manuel, Filip and Eric are the three finalists

Jungle camp 2022
The cute, the chatter and the esoteric: the three winners of the jungle

The finalists of the jungle camp 2022: Manuel Flickinger, Filip Pavlovic and Eric Stehfest

© Stefan Menne / RTL

The jungle camp sees three strong finalists this year. Manuel Flickinger, Filip Pavlovic and Eric Stehfest all have their own qualities – which promises an exciting final.

In the semifinals, the race was decided between the remaining five men. Peter Althof and Harald Glööckler had to leave the jungle camp and the spectators decided on their finalists: Manuel Flickinger, Filip Pavlovic and Eric Stehfest will fight for the crown on Saturday evening. And they could make for an exciting finale, after all they are all quite different.

Jungle camp 2022: Manuel Flickinger is in the final

There’s the cute one, the surprise candidate. “Prince Charming” participant Manuel Flickinger was the general public before his participation in “I’m a star – get me out of here!” probably little known. He himself admitted that he would probably have gone to the camp without a fee. That was unthinkable for Anouschka Renzi. But that’s exactly what makes Manuel special. He just seems happy to be there at all.

Between narcissistic actors and crafty reality stars, the judicial specialist sometimes seemed naïve and harmless. He hardly wanted to complain. In the tests, the 33-year-old always seemed highly motivated. Even if it was challenging, like his doubles with Eric Stehfest. Despite tears and fear, Manuel threw himself off the cliff to get as many stars as possible for his fellow campers. If the past seasons have shown Ibes one thing, then that underdogs definitely have a chance of winning, and mostly even cause surprises. Courage is also rewarded by the jungle fans. A king of the jungle Manuel is possible – but even if he doesn’t make it, he probably wouldn’t lose his happiness.

Filip Pavlovic is favourite

The biggest favorite for the crown is Filip Pavlovic. The man from Hamburg didn’t have to tremble at any decision. He always gave everything in his exams. Even if he should eat penises or drink a pureed anus. But what distinguishes the former “Bachelorette” candidate is not just his ambition to earn as many stars as possible.

The Schnacker simply offers good entertainment. For example, when he talks about smoking in shisha bars with Olaf Scholz in Altona. Or when he is absolutely ashamed because he located the Reichstag building in Munich and the leaning tower of Pisa in Venice. As clear as it is that jungle fans have nothing against underdogs, it is also clear that it doesn’t matter if the king isn’t the brightest candle on the cake. In this sense: We kiss your eyes, Filip.

Eric Stehfest, the esoteric

The third in the group is Eric Stehfest, the esotericist. That he made it to the final is surprising. Because he not only refused a jungle test, but also caused a moderate scandal in the camp when he called the rest “fake”. He also raved about energies in the camp. Bad energies that would drag him down.

Stehfest’s story is the classic purification saga. Because he saw his mistake and admitted that he had judged prematurely. And he made himself vulnerable by opening up about his drug history and revealing that his wife’s rape had taken a toll on him mentally. He passed the next test he was selected for and even became a motivator for his team-mate Manuel. In addition, Stehfest has many fans thanks to “Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten”.

Whether it’s the cute one, the Hamburger Schnacker or the esoteric: the three finalists promise humor, entertainment and the will to win – the best prerequisites for a successful jungle camp end.


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