Jungle camp 2022: Eric Stehfest talks about the rape of his wife

Jungle camp 2022
Eric Stehfest talks about the rape of his wife – not everyone likes it

Eric Stehfest revealed in the jungle camp how much his marriage suffered from his wife’s rape


After two weeks in the jungle camp, Eric Stehfest spoke about the process that has accompanied his family in recent years. His wife Edith Stehfest had to face her rapist in court.

It was not the first time that Eric Stehfest spoke in a TV format about the rape of his wife Edith. And yet his statements in the jungle camp caused discussions on the Internet. What happened?

Jungle camp 2022: Eric Stehfest talks about rape

Stehfest confided in ex-bodyguard Peter Althof and revealed to him the trauma that burdened his family. “We had a rape process. My wife Edith was raped when she was 17. She was under the influence of knockout drops, she didn’t know it anymore,” he explained to Althof. “The whole thing only came out many years later, when I was already married to her. A video of her surfaced. The perpetrator was later taken to the hospital with a USB stick in his pocket. The stick was checked and there were very a lot of pornographic videos on it. We got a call from the LKA, we didn’t know what was going on. She then had to see the full video of how she was being raped,” revealed the actor. Althof was shocked, saying that if it had been his daughter, he would develop murderous fantasies.

“The whole life changes from one day to the next. Everything you used to have a passion for no longer burns so much. Every day is a struggle in which you try to get yourself or your own wife out of this whirlpool of thoughts and these images in your head to rip out,” remembered GZSZ star Stehfest and got emotional.

criticism of his openness

The story of Edith Stehfest’s rape is well known. The couple has spoken out several times about the traumatic experience and the process. And yet the statements of the former “Let’s Dance” candidate caused displeasure among some viewers. “I would like to give the police a USB stick with the encroaching stories that Eric tells about his wife in front of an audience of millions,” tweeted the podcaster and jungle camp expert, for example address. “How disgusting is it that Eric is promoting his wife’s story. Isn’t his own enough?” wrote another user. “I still don’t know how I should find Eric addressing his wife’s rape in such a way. I hope the two of them agreed beforehand,” wondered a user.

But in addition to a lot of criticism, there is also a lot of encouragement for Stehfest. After all, his wife is his companion in South Africa, they most likely agreed in advance which details he was allowed to tell and which not. In addition, the Stehfests have been trying to raise awareness of the topic for some time. The jungle camp offers a large stage for this.

+++ Also read:

Edith Stehfest testifies against her alleged rapist


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