Jungle camp 2022: Eric Stehfest breaks off the exam – reasoning causes Zoff

Jungle camp 2022
Eric Stehfest breaks off the exam – and causes a scandal in the camp

Eric Stehfest: He creates a bad mood in the jungle camp


Fans of the jungle camp had never seen anything like this: Eric Stehfest was supposed to take an exam together with Peter Althof on Sunday – but just broke it off. The reasoning caused a scandal in the camp.

Not every exam in the jungle camp is pleasant and in the history of “I’m a Star” many exams have already been canceled. When Eric Stehfest broke off his joint exam with Peter Althof, it was a novelty – because his reasoning was not that the exam was too difficult for him or that he didn’t have the confidence to take it.

Jungle camp: Eric Stehfest simply breaks off the exam

On the contrary: Peter Althof and Eric Stehfest should have been locked in a cage and floated over a river in the test. The cage would have been lowered further and further into the water during the test. But it didn’t come to that: Even before the exam started, Eric Stehfest said the notorious sentence: “I’m a star, get me out of here!” The exam was canceled and all stars and thus the luxury food for the camp were lost.

Had the test put him off, was it too difficult for him? None of that, on the contrary: When Sonja asked if he didn’t feel like taking the exam, he even said “I’m really keen! I love something like that!” The real reason: From his point of view, other campers would have lied to him – that’s why he wouldn’t want to earn any food for the other participants in the jungle camp.

Eric Stehfest: New Zoff with Filip Pavlovic and Harald Glööckler

Specifically, Stehfest’s reasoning was directed against Filip Pavlovic and Harald Glööckler. He had already messed with Filip Pavlovic the day before, Harald Glööckler had previously told him not to believe everything he said. Enough to justify his exams: “Because there are people here who think I’m shit. They take advantage of my feelings because they told me fake stories.”

Back at the camp, Stehfest caused a stir with further statements: He was considering whether he still wanted to stick to all the rules – because: “I don’t want these people to keep their luxury items here.” If the other campers still wanted food, “I advise you not to send me to the exam” and ended his statement with the words “There is no team for me”. These statements certainly do not improve the atmosphere in the camp.


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