Jungle camp 2022: Dear Mr. Glööckler shows edge

Jungle camp 2022
Gossip, complain, curse: Dear Mr. Glööckler shows edge

Harald Glööckler is showing more and more edge in the jungle camp


So far, Harald Glööckler has been something like the fairy godmother of the jungle camp – nice to everyone, always helpful and open to every test. But on day seven things changed.

Harald Glööckler decided to go to the jungle camp during the pandemic. However, anyone who had expected the fashion designer to have airs and diva demeanor was surprised.

Jungle camp 2022: Glööckler blasphemes by the fire

So far he has been nice, helpful and available for every exam. It is also striking how he became the shrink for every camper. Whether Tara, Anouschka or Eric – the designer had an open ear for everyone. But on day seven in the jungle camp, Glööckler let the celebrity mentality hang out. At the joint fire station with actor Eric Stehfest, he suddenly began to gossip about the cast of the show. He likes the early morning, he said. “When the brats get up, it’s over,” said Glööckler, referring to fellow campers Tara, Linda, Filip and Manuel. But it did not stop.

“I also don’t know how people like that and us can get together here. Real stars and then these social media people,” the designer was outraged. “People don’t just want something for the optics, they also want something for the spirit,” he said of the jungle viewers. After all, he is an icon.

Glööckler and Renzi against Ruland

Not only with blasphemies did he finally attract attention. Glööckler also clearly sided with Anouschka Renzi, who has become the enemy of many jungle stars in the past few days. The reason was Tina Ruland’s regiment as team leader. “Harald, you do the first night watch with Eric and Anouschka with Manuel the third night watch. I’m the team leader and I decide. I’ll take action now. That’s how I enjoy it,” said the “Manta Manta” star and visibly enjoyed the little one Power. An absurdity for Glööckler.

“I don’t really enjoy ordering people around like that. I’m rather reserved,” he mocked in Ruland’s direction. She didn’t want to let that sit on her. “I don’t boss around, decisions have to be made,” she replied. “It was dominant. But it’s ok, Ms. Commander,” Glööckler teased back. When Renzi also got involved, the situation escalated more and more.

they are friends

A discussion about the friendship between Glööckler and Renzi broke out on Twitter during the show. Because that could cost him the jungle crown, so the tenor. “Harald was so personable and had won so much. The friendship with Anouschka is not good for him,” wrote one user. “I actually liked Harald, but the fact that he constantly hangs out with Anouschka makes him very annoying and unsympathetic,” commented another.

One thing is clear: from an entertainment point of view, a Glööckler with an edge is probably more valuable than one that never positions itself.


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