Jungle camp 2022, day 5: Holy Harald keeps the store together

Jungle camp 2022, day 5
Holy Harald keeps the place together

Harald Gloöckler


Hangover mood the day after the racism scandal. But then Linda Nobat opens up to Harald Glööckler. The man with the big lips and the big heart also brought “butter pear” Tara Tabitha and Filip Pavlović closer together again.

By Simone Decker

That day in the jungle, the day after, it felt exactly like a shrunken balloon looks: Bulging is something else. The mood among the campers: visibly slackened. What was surprising, however, was that in the flashbacks to the previous day, you didn’t see the candidates sitting in small groups around the campfire and talking in detail about the racist insult by Janina Youssefian. If you were ex-“Bachelor” Andrej Mangold, you could say: “Everything is cut badly!” Oddly enough, everything seemed the same as always. You can’t help but ask yourself the question: Like in real life? The topic is too unpleasant, let’s sweep it under the (warning!) carpet?

Meanwhile, outside, in so-called real life, the “But she provoked that!” group formed against Linda Nobat. She was anything but a lamb, the supposed impartials blared on social media and angrily demanded equal treatment. Meanwhile, Janina Youssefian, who was rightly thrown out of the camp, had nothing better to do than to follow up on Linda Nobat again in her public apology on Instagram: “It would have been right to take us both out.” RTL even felt compelled to issue a report explaining that and why Linda was staying.

“I hate fighting”

In a conversation with Harald Glööckler, one could guess how much the argument still affects Linda: “I hate arguing,” says the 27-year-old. Yes, she doesn’t avoid arguments, she has a strong sense of justice. She also suspects why other people reacted so strongly to her: “I get loud too.” Luckily Peter Althof wasn’t sitting next to her at that moment and told one of his jokes like: “I built my own shooting range because my employees always needed an advance, ha ha ha!”

Linda sat next to the oracle of Selfie, and Harald: “In such situations, take a deep breath and observe what’s inside,” he recommended carefully, before venturing even deeper into Linda’s psyche: “Your child’s soul is hurt somewhere.” , he guessed. Harald’s instant tip for salvation: Once a month, Linda should treat herself to a hearty “kid’s day” and “do really crazy things”. Linda’s first thought: “Swings, for example!”

Old TV guard against new reality asterisks Meanwhile, Jasmin Herren offered herself for further escalation levels. Her favorite target: actress Anouschka Renzi. Willi Herren’s widow mocked her “princess shit” anymore. When she had to work the campfire shift with Renzi of all people, she pamped: “You can tell that everything was always put down for you. That’s inconsiderate and not social behavior. Pull yourself together!” Renzi rolled his eyes: “Well, I don’t have to be told that I’m antisocial.”

And here, too, it was Harald who calmed the waves with mild words: “You have such a French touch, noblesse oblige,” he whined. When Jasmin again grumbled against his good friend in front of the assembled team (“Me and Anouschka discussed exactly that!”), he showed that he can do things quite differently and corrected her: “The donkey always calls himself first! Anouschka and I call it that .” Jasmin Herren looked at him like a car: “Please don’t want my German corrected!”

It becomes clear: Not only do different age groups meet here, the discussion also shows the different self-image between TV personalities of the old guard like Renzi (57) and Glööckler (57) and younger reality TV celebrities like Jasmin Herren( 43) and Tara Tabitha (29). “You always want drama and followers,” Renzi puts it in a nutshell. It is ironic that Jasmin Herren’s defense confirms exactly this prejudice: “I don’t need all that. I can make a living from Instagram.”

Jungle camp: Candidate Janina flies out because of racial insults

Filip and Tara can now live together better again. And who do they have to thank for the reconciliation? You guessed it: Holy Harald. He spoke to both of them, gently asked Filip to approach Tara. No sooner said than done, quarrel over, Tara happy again – for the moment. Romantic Filip to his caregiver: “Come here, you old butter pear!

Jungle test is canceled – for the first time

And then there was another premiere: the jungle test had to be canceled, for the first time! The wind blew so hard at the canyon that it would simply have been too dangerous to let Linda and Harald line up. Actually, they were supposed to jump from a bridge, at the end of which there was a trampoline, into a hanging net over the abyss. However, after a long wait for less wind, Doctor Bob announced, “The exam is cancelled.” Nevertheless, RTL was in a generous mood: there were ten stars as a reward for patiently waiting. On Twitter, however, it was not well received: “It’s not a jungle anymore!”, “Five stars would have been enough”, “Why wasn’t there a replacement test?” the viewers complained.

To her great surprise, Linda doesn’t have to take the exam again tomorrow – it hit “butter pear” Tara. During the announcement, she held a hand apologetically in front of her mouth the whole time. Sonja Zietlow and Daniel Hartwich suspected a dental problem. But even for that, Harald Glööckler certainly has good advice.

There is more about the jungle camp at RTL +

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