July 14: National Day in France is largely calm

July 14th
National Day in France is largely calm

Police officers stop a motorist in Lyon as people watch Bastille Day fireworks. photo

© Laurent Cipriani/AP

After major unrest, there was great concern about riots on July 14 in France. There are no major problems – but cars are still burning all over the country.

After the recent riots in In France, feared riots on the evening of the national holiday, July 14, largely did not materialize. Celebrations and fireworks could have taken place anywhere, with the number of damage to property falling significantly compared to the previous year, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said.

“We owe that to our law enforcement officers, their presence and the numerous preventive checks that have been carried out.” 45,000 officers were mobilized on both evenings.

According to the ministry, 96 people were arrested nationwide on Saturday night and 255 cars were set on fire. The numbers were significantly lower than in the previous year, and there were fewer problems in the Paris area. As the broadcaster France Info reported with reference to the police prefecture, there were 53 arrests in the capital region. Fires were set 62 times.

After a police officer fatally shot a youth during a traffic stop near Paris at the end of June, there were days of serious unrest in France. Officials were attacked with fireworks and public buildings such as police stations and schools were set on fire. Thousands of cars burned out.


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