Julian Reim: He loves his half-sister “idolously”

Julian Reim
He adores his half-sister

Julian releases his debut album “In my head”.

© mumpi kuenster monsterpics

Matthias Reim became a father again in spring 2022. His son Julian “adores” his little half-sister.

Julian Reim (25) takes off: Matthias Reim’s (64) son will release his debut album “In my head” on Friday (May 6). Among other things, he sings about a generalized anxiety disorder from which he suffered at times. It is important to him to deal openly with this topic, as he explains in an interview with spot on news:

“If we create an environment in which people dare to speak openly about it, we can alleviate a large part of the suffering,” says the 25-year-old singer. He also talks about his girlfriend Sarah and his little half-sister Zoe, who was only born in the spring. Matthias Reim and his wife Christin Stark (32) have become parents of a daughter.

You put a lot of work into your debut album and wrote all 15 songs yourself. How proud are you of the end result?

Julian Reim: It’s difficult to put into words. I’ve dedicated my whole life to music and dreamed of writing an album myself. The fact that I was able to fulfill this lifelong dream fills me with humility and gratitude, especially for my fans!

What is the title “In My Head” all about?

Rhyme: With these 15 songs I wanted to tell a story: my story. I am a very introverted person and always automatically connect emotions and thoughts with music. My head often feels like a radio that I can’t turn off. With the album I wanted to give people an insight “into my head”.

On your debut album you are open about the fact that you have suffered from an anxiety disorder at times. What advice can you give to other sufferers?

Rhyme: Knowing about my GA is important to understand some of the songs on the album. As an affected person, you do not immediately become an expert, since every course and every person is different. Incorrect “tips” can (and I speak from experience) do more harm than good. I recommend from the bottom of my heart that anyone experiencing this should speak openly with their loved ones and seek professional help if possible. There is still a lot of shame associated with mental illness and it is up to us to break that stigma!

Mental health problems are often still a taboo subject in Germany. Why is it important to you to clean up?

Rhyme: The problem is isolation. You’re afraid that that’s the only way you’ll be defined. But this is wrong. If you break your leg, you still accept the help of others during the healing time. It doesn’t get better if you leave it untreated, hide it and stress it. If we create an environment in which people dare to speak openly about it, we can already alleviate a large part of the suffering.

In the song “Dämonen” you sing openly about low points from which a special person helps you out. Does that mean your friend Sarah? What do you appreciate most about her and your relationship?

Rhyme: If I’m not feeling well, I can always talk to her openly about it and that often makes it better. The song is about accepting your own vulnerability. And I can do that with her. She’s always brutally honest with me and I really appreciate that about her. Something like that cannot be weighed in gold!

You have since blossomed into a successful musician. Do you have a recipe for success?

Rhyme: Yes, the most important thing is always the melody! When the melody burns into my head, I know I’ve got a song. Once that’s done, we move on to the text and production.

Have you also experienced negative aspects of rising fame?

Rhyme: Once after a show I slept on the train going home. I was very tired. I was then woken up by a group of fans for photos. I love my fans and I’m (almost) always up for something like that. But please at least wait until I’m conscious.

The album also features a duet with your father, a German version of the Cat Stevens song “Father and Son”. How does the lyrics relate to your relationship?

Rhyme: The original is one of Matthias’ absolute favorite songs! Hearing the number in his youth, he naturally associated with the “son” in the story. Now, when we started to write the song in German, he suddenly found himself in the position of the “father” who tries to convey his life wisdom to his son. It’s exactly this generational dynamic that inspired us so much, since we’re both musicians too!

At the end of March you had another half-sister. How happy were you about the birth? How often do you visit your little sister?

Rhyme: We adore the little one! I live close by and see her at least once a week.

Will you be touring with your album?

Rhyme: There are definitely a lot of performances planned and I’m really happy to be able to sing these songs in front of you!

What professional and private plans do you have for the rest of the year?

Rhyme: There are so many great opportunities coming up right now, but most of all, live concerts are my number one priority! I’m finally allowed to go on stage as a musician with my album, that’s nothing less than a dream come true! Of course I keep writing music, because “In my head” is just the beginning!


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