Julia Ducournau’s film “Titanium”, Palme d’Or at Cannes, will represent France at the Oscars

The feature film must stille pass the pre-selection phase by the Academy of Oscars to join the list of the best foreign films in competition.

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The film Titanium will represent France at the Oscars in 2022, the National Center for Cinema and Animated Image (CNC) announced in a press release on Tuesday, October 12. Julia Ducournau’s feature film won the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival, in July. This genre film, forbidden to under 16s, mixes woman / machine hybridization, love for cars and the quest for fatherhood. It features a newcomer, Agathe Rousselle, and French actor Vincent Lindon, as a firefighter on steroids.

The CNC commission preferred Titanium To North Bac, by Cédric Jimenez, and The Event, by Audrey Diwan. Julia Ducournau’s film, which attracted 300,000 spectators in France according to LCI, has yet to pass the Oscar Academy preselection phase. Last year the film Of them by Filippo Meneghetti had been presented by France but had not passed this stage.

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