Judith Rakers: She clarifies the “Tagesschau” delay

Judith Rakers
She explains about the “Tagesschau” delay

Judith Rakers moderates the “Tagessschau”.

© NDR / Thorsten Jander

The main edition of the “Tagesschau” started on Saturday evening with a slight delay. Judith Rakers later revealed how this came about.

At the “Tagesschau”, even small delays cause audience reactions. On Saturday evening, the main edition of the newscast started a few seconds later than planned. A Twitter user sharedhow the “Tagesschau” clock continued to run after 8 p.m. Only about 40 seconds later Judith Rakers (45) appeared in the studio with the news of the day.

It was also Rakers who revealed on Twitter what led to the delay. “Very well. I clarify: We had a technical problem with a wrongly linked graphic (Bundesliga), which then shot up the opening credits. At the moment when it was supposed to be started. Hence the missing graphic later … # sorry, “she explained on the short message service.

“I had to get the time back”

When another viewer remarked: “I have never seen someone present the lottery numbers with such enthusiasm as I do today,” Judith Rakers sent another explanation with a laughing emoji: “I had to regain the time because of Silbereisen and Eurovision. .. And thought 44 seconds !!! When can I breathe again? And then: Lottery numbers. Now breathe !!! And on! ” The whole thing was successful: Florian Silbereisen (40) and “The Advent Festival of 100,000 Lights” started on time.


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