Judicial investigation opened for kidnapping, murder and rape

The public prosecutor of Lorient announced on Friday that he had opened a judicial investigation “against X” for “kidnapping”, “intentional homicide” and “rape”, after the discovery of the body of Iris C., 23, on May 27. in Lanester (Morbihan). The Lorient prosecutor Stéphane Kellenberger indicates in a press release that he proceeded on Friday “to the opening of a judicial investigation, against X, at the criminal center of the Lorient investigation” for “kidnapping”, “intentional homicide […] preceded or accompanied by another crime: rape”.

“These qualifications in no way prejudge the results of the analyzes in progress, in particular with regard to any rape, but they aim to allow the investigating magistrate to be able to carry out the broadest and most complete investigations possible”, underlines Stéphane Kellenberger.

The body discovered in the morning in the Blavet

The body of the victim, Iris C., born in 1999 and originally from the Lorient region, was discovered by walkers on Saturday May 27 in the morning in the waters of Blavet. The autopsy of the victim’s body revealed “traumatic lesions and hematomas on the head and face (shocks by blunt objects, etc.), gripping lesions on the arms, traces of strangulation “.

This examination also made it possible “to evoke the recent nature of sexual intercourse, without it being possible to affirm the existence of violence in this respect”, specified the magistrate on Tuesday. “Because of the complexity” of the investigations, the prosecutor had decided to entrust the investigation to the zonal direction of the judicial police of Rennes.

According The Telegram of Monday citing witnesses, a few hours before the discovery of the body of the young woman, this one would have been seen in the night in a bar of Lorient in the presence of three men. A witness would have seen them heading together towards a hotel. A man in his thirties, described by the prosecution as “close to the family’s entourage”, was released Monday from police custody where he had been placed “for verification purposes”.

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