Judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court: Bundestag must be better informed

Status: 10/26/2022 4:11 p.m

The federal government must also involve the Bundestag in questions of European security policy as early as possible – comprehensively. This emerges from a judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court.

By Gigi Deppe, ARD legal department

The Federal Constitutional Court is once again asking the Federal Government to better inform the MPs. The Bundestag must know early on about European issues – and comprehensively. And also in such a way that he can work with the information.

The factions of the Greens and Left Party in Karlsruhe won. They wanted more information when the EU was planning a military operation in May 2015. Smugglers in the southern Mediterranean should be fought. The whole thing later ran under the name “Operation Sophia”.

Influencing must be possible

The Bundestag did not read the concept for a long time – although various members of the Bundestag tried again and again to do so. That’s not how it works, said the judges in Karlsruhe: The members of parliament should find out in good time what’s planned in the EU and be able to influence it. Afterwards, if nothing can be changed, it will be too late.

In the same way, a letter from the Turkish Prime Minister on cooperation with the EU on migration issues should have been made public – the left had also complained about it. According to the constitutional court, if secrecy is actually necessary, then the government must explain in detail why it cannot pass something on.

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