Judgment in Traunstein: life for poisoning father – Bavaria

The district court in Traunstein has sentenced a 55-year-old to life imprisonment for the murder of her father. According to the verdict on Wednesday, the daughter of the main defendant and the granddaughter of the victim has to go to prison for four years for attempted murder by omission because she did not get help and cover up the crime.

The court was convinced that the 55-year-old had mixed a lethal dose of drugs into the food of her father, who was in need of care. The 75-year-old is said to have previously informed the two women that the granddaughter and her family would have to move out of his house in Töging in Upper Bavaria. The prosecutor had spoken of an “almost perfect murder”. Only other relatives reported that the 75-year-old could have been murdered. His long-buried body was exhumed, and experts found traces of the poison.

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