Judging their team “to shit”, the supporters rain toilet paper

This is called being at the end of your rope. The Girondins de Bordeaux are heading straight for Ligue 2, weighed down by a more sieve defense. Logically unhappy with the turn of events, the supporters present at Matmut Atlantique on Saturday evening for the reception of Lorient (0-0) wanted to express their fed up.

The Ultramarines have thus deployed banners where one could read “you are the shame of our 140 years of history” and “89 goals conceded, you are to shit”. Before sending hundreds of rolls of toilet paper on the lawn shortly before the half hour mark, forcing the referee to interrupt the match to clean the field.

Unable to beat Lorient, 17th in the standings, Bordeaux chained a sixth match without success in Ligue 1. Red lantern, the Girondin club is not yet mathematically relegated since it is three points behind the barrage, Metz, and qu there is one day left to play. However, it will take an incredible combination of circumstances for the FCGB to snatch this 18th place since it has a goal difference of -41, clearly far from the -29 of Lorraine.

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