Judging the “empty file”, the husband’s lawyers ask (again) for his release

In the investigation into the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar, a little over a year ago in the Tarn, the year begins as the previous one ended: with a new request for the release of her husband, Cédric, imprisoned since June 18, 2021 for “murder on a spouse”. The lawyers of the suspect n ° 1 of the gendarmes announced to have filed their request this Tuesday, January 4 in Toulouse. It must be examined by justice on Tuesday, January 11.

The defenders of the plasterer, who has always proclaimed his innocence, hammer out with each of their interventions that the “file is empty”. “There are people who have admitted having participated in an offense, sometimes a serious offense, who are nevertheless under judicial control and are therefore free. Why not him, when he disputes the facts and there is no evidence against him? », Asks Jean-Baptiste Alary, member of the trio of lawyers.

A year of mystery

Delphine Jubillar disappeared from her home in Cagnac-les-Mines on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020. It was her husband who raised the alert. Cédric Jubillar was indicted six months later on the basis, according to the prosecution, of a “bundle of serious and concordant clues”. The gendarmes are still looking for Delphine’s body or for material traces. The couple, who have two children, were on the verge of divorce after the nurse decided to start a new life with a man they met the previous summer.

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