Jubillar case: “Stop!” What Delphine shouted at Cédric the evening of his disappearance

the essential
While Cédric Jubillar, accused of having killed his wife Delphine, has just been heard by the judges, this Friday, December 3, his son Louis, 7, delivers new elements.

Louis, the eldest son of the Jubillar couple was present in the family home of Cagnac-Les-Mines on December 15, 2020, shortly before the disappearance of his mother Delphine Jubillar, a 33-year-old nurse who has not been heard from since. His key testimony is the only one likely to shed light on the version given by his father Cedric Jubillar, on this famous evening when everything changes in this home which is preparing to celebrate Christmas, despite the tensions linked to divorce and the separation that is announced within the spouses.

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yes, who is 7 years old today, loves both parents. When he prepares to join the office of the two investigating judges, in Toulouse, to be heard there, this Friday, November 26, he stands on tiptoe to press the elevator button. Cap screwed on the head, eyes sparkling with life, he rushes into the corridors of the judicial tribunal as comfortable as with a soccer ball in his feet. He is accompanied by his ad hoc administrator and his two lawyers, Mr. Laurent Boguet and Malika Chmani. In front of him, a round table, sheets of paper and colored pencils. The two investigating judges welcome him. The hearing will last two hours.

“Daddy was screaming”

“Hello Louis, we are judges and we want to find your mom. We want to know what happened”. One of the magistrates, Audrey Assemat, is a former juvenile judge.

– “I miss mum and dad”, replies Louis while drawing the fire station of Albi, fish and birds. The leaves fill with color. Generally speaking, “Louis, can you tell us about your parents ?”
– “Mum made cakes, cuddles, she made the snack”
– “And with daddy what were you doing?”
– “We were playing the construction game, it was going well.”
– “People say there could be spankings …”
– “Yes, dad was screaming ..” Louis could fear his father’s reactions. But his words remain measured and sincere. He is reserved, always without party taken and especially without any judgment on his parents. The hearing continues. Louis is in awe of the computer screen next to him. He sees the transcript of what he said scrolling.

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The judges come to the evening of December 15th. Around 11 p.m., Louis goes to bed. He had spent the evening with his mother, on the sofa, in front of the program “France has an incredible talent” on M6. Her father is in bed. Delphine blinks in front of the TV. According to the boy, his mother is starting to fall asleep. He brushes his teeth and goes to his room.

“Your mom did not abandon you”

His story is a little more detailed. He says: “It spoke loudly, I saw them.” For the first time, Louis declares to have been a visual witness, and no longer an auditory, of what can be translated as a tussle between his parents. Louis who is supposed to be in his bed is actually just behind the door to the living room. His parents are not far from the Christmas tree. Louis would have heard his mother speak to Cedric: “Stop!”, She would have told him firmly.

“Then I heard, since it’s like that, so we’re going to go our separate ways.” He describes what he always said, twice in front of investigators, his parents’ arms horizontal, suggesting tension. Louis knew he was not allowed to be in the hallway when he saw his parents. He deliberately makes noise to get their attention and makes his parents stop. He then returns to his bed and claims that someone has closed the door to his room behind him.

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Jubillar affair: a neighbor heard “a cry of fear” the night of Delphine’s disappearance

During that night, he did not hear the dogs barking, nor his little sister crying around 3:45 am. According to Cédric’s statements, it was she who woke up his father before he noticed the disappearance of Delphine. Louis said it again, “sometimes I get up to wake daddy up when she cries.”

After a pee and candy break, the audition is drawing to a close. Louis comes to sit between the judges who knew how to put him in confidence.
– “Does that make you sad?”
– “Yes”, replies Louis. He repeats, he misses his parents.
– “What we can tell you is that your mom has not abandoned you.”

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