Juan Arbelaez reveals the secrets of his berry yogurt

Fruit yogurt is fresh, tasty and easy to prepare. “It is above all a dessert that allows you to put your foot down and have fun”, launches Juan Arbelaez, who makes it evolve over the course of his desires and according to the seasons. Basically, it’s always the same trio of Greek yogurt, honey and lime. Then all you have to do is choose your favorite fruits of the moment, some dried fruits and chopped herbs for the accompaniment.

“There, we did it with chia seeds, but we could have done it with poppy seeds, slivered almonds, crushed hazelnuts or pine nuts …” As it is a dessert that can be prepared ultra quickly, we have a little time afterwards to take care of the presentation. “A plate that arrives at the table must first be eaten with the eyes,” warns Juan Arbelaez. She has to make you want to. When a plate is beautiful, the recipe is three-quarters successful. “

“A table in 20 minutes flat”, a quick and accessible concept

It is therefore a red fruit yogurt recipe that Juan Arbelaez offers us this Wednesday as part of our series of video recipes offered, every other Wednesday, throughout the summer. Like the others, this one is taken from his book At the table in 20 minutes flat
edited by Marabout. A tribute title to your favorite daily newspaper? No doubt a little, but not only. “Twenty minutes, I think it’s the right time to prepare a good meal! For a yogurt, five minutes is enough in my opinion, but at least you will have time to take care of the presentation … In any case, the idea was not to make a chef’s book that sits on a table and that no one does not open but a useful book, which hangs around in the kitchen and that we can annotate and dirty, ”explains the former Top chef. There he offers a series of easy and appetizing recipes … like that of this yogurt with red fruits which succeeds the spinach salad, raspberries and walnuts of a fortnight ago or that of the pollack ceviche or the
club sandwich last month.

Here is the recipe for 4 people

1. Yoghurt: Finely chop a bunch of basil leaves. Keep a tablespoon of chopped leaves and a few small leaves for finishing. Grate the zest of two organic limes and squeeze the juice. Add two tablespoons of honey to 500 g of Greek yogurt and mix with half of the chopped basil leaves.

2. Fruits: Cut ten raspberries in half and ten strawberries in quarters. Stem a few currants by passing them through the stems through the tines of a fork. Keep about ten whole blackberries.

3. Finishing: Place the yogurt in a large bowl. Sprinkle with a tablespoon of chopped basil, then a tablespoon of chia (or poppy) seeds, place your cut red fruits in the order you want and decorate with small basil leaves. Serve well chilled.

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