Journalism: The most important points from the Digital News Report 2024 – Media

News fatigue, little trust in the German media, and in addition, AI is now involved in many editorial offices: the most important points from the Digital News Report 2024.

Climate catastrophe, wars, inflation – viewers have to endure a lot of negative things in daily news programs. For some, too much, as this year’s Digital News Report from the Reuters Institute at the University of Oxford shows. The annual report is considered the most comprehensive study of global news consumption. More than 95,000 people in 47 countries were surveyed. Among other things, it was found that around 39 percent of those surveyed sometimes or often avoid consuming news. An increase in the number was also observed in Germany, with the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East possibly being one of the reasons for this. 41 percent of Germans said they were exhausted by the amount of news, compared to just 26 percent in 2019.

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