Journalism on stage: AfD research by Correctiv in the Berliner Ensemble – Culture

That the Corrective-Research into the intimate Potsdam group of right-wing extremists landed on the stage of the Berliner Ensemble (BE) as a staged reading a week after publication and was broadcast live in numerous streams, is not only a coup for the theater and skilful marketing for them Corrective-Journalists. The content also fits perfectly. The fact that the meticulous research caused such enormous waves, triggered demonstrations in numerous cities and reignited the debate about a possible ban on the AfD was of course also due to the absurd situation of the ominous meeting: a dentist from Düsseldorf and other gentlemen from the upper middle class, a convicted violent criminal and employee of an AfD member of the Bundestag, a loudspeaker for the right-wing extremist “Identitarian Movement” and AfD officials with great ambitions, with a full sense of their own historical significance, dream of a pure-bred Germany and a seizure of power 2.0 in a dignified atmosphere: that would have happened Thomas Bernhard and Elfriede Jelinek couldn’t have imagined something more insane and broken, the master race reloaded.

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