Journalism and the environment: it doesn’t get greener – media

For a long time, the climate crisis was considered one problem among many in editorial offices. Newspapers are now setting up new sections, broadcasters are developing climate formats, and eco-guides are booming online. Do we need that?


Thomas Balbierer and Carolin Gasteiger

Can you lead a sustainable life in an unsustainable world? Andreas Winterer thinks about it for a moment. In front of him on the table are vegan cookies, a laptop, a smartphone. Then he says: “A more sustainable life is possible. The way there is not easy, but one should try.” Winterer wears a black T-shirt with the logo of a marine protection organization and white adidas sneakers on his feet. No, says the editor-in-chief of the sustainability portal Utopia.dethat his life is not absolutely sustainable either. “I have green electricity, don’t own a car and try to use sustainable textiles.” Then he points to his feet. “But you can find vegan shoes in size 48.”


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