Joshua Kimmich: Unvaccinated in focus – sport

Joshua Kimmich had the lap of honor in the Munich arena behind him after beating TSG Hoffenheim 4-0, the fans had celebrated him like the whole team for Bayern’s next win this season, but now it was perhaps the most complicated task of the day before him. He first talked to the Munich club spokesman Dieter Nickles, then he walked towards the interview zone on the edge of the pitch. Kimmich now had to talk about his vaccination status.

There are hardly any sporting problems in the strict sense of the word with the German record champions, but the success against Hoffenheim was the next of several documents in this still young season. But you can’t say that it will be problem-free at FC Bayern. There is the impending six-month prison sentence for defense attorney Lucas Hernández for disregarding a court ruling in Spain, which he may have to start next week if an appeal is not decided in his favor beforehand. There is also the corona infection of coach Julian Nagelsmann despite complete vaccination protection, because of which he initially missed the Champions League game in Lisbon and on Saturday also the game in the Bundesliga, assistant Dino Toppmöller represented him on the sidelines.

In the course of Nagelsmann’s infection, FC Bayern also discussed an aspect that is currently worrying many Bundesliga clubs: Some footballers in the league are not yet vaccinated and not only put themselves at a higher risk of infection, but also the risk of a possible quarantine of 14 Days out – and have to be tested regularly. On Saturday reported the image-Zeitung, which is one of those footballers of the German champions who have not yet been vaccinated, including the national player Kimmich. Kimmich, of all people, was the obvious interpretation: Last year he and his teammate Leon Goretzka founded the “We Kick Corona” donation initiative.

Everyone should have the opportunity to be vaccinated, says Kimmich

The position of Kimmich’s employer on the subject is quite clear: During the week, Nagelsmann had spoken out in favor of the vaccination in a video press conference from the domestic isolation. “We advocate doing it,” he said. The difference in the course of the disease between vaccinated and non-vaccinated people can be seen in the clinics. “There is no compulsion, but a recommendation, and we make it.” “FC Bayern recommends getting vaccinated, just like me personally,” said sports director Hasan Salihamidzic in an interview with Sky before the Hoffenheim game. Kimmich, he announced, would speak out after the game.

“Yes, that’s right,” he first confirmed: He had not yet been vaccinated. “Because I just have a few concerns for myself personally, especially when it comes to the lack of long-term studies,” he said, explaining his stance. Nevertheless, he is aware of his responsibility, adheres to the hygiene measures and is also tested regularly. He countered the contradiction in relation to his initiative by saying that “We Kick Corona” is about supporting people “who are in need due to Corona”. Everyone should have the opportunity to be vaccinated.

He himself, said Kimmich, was neither a “corona denier” nor a “vaccine opponent”. He also does not “categorically” reject the vaccination. It is “very possible” that he will be vaccinated in the future. But he always built a few buts into his answers: There are also vaccination breakthroughs, he emphasized, for example. And football takes place in the fresh air.

The head coach representative Toppmöller also answered a question on the subject at the press conference. “Every player had the opportunity to speak to our internist”, who “explained everything” to the professionals. When Kimmich decided not to be vaccinated, he said: “I respect that.” That is the end of the subject for him. But it should be with FC Bayern for some time.

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