José Evrard, MP Debout France for Pas-de-Calais, died of Covid-19

Emotion in the National Assembly. The Debout la France deputy of Pas-de-Calais, José Evrard, from the PCF then passed by the FN and the Patriots, died Friday in Arras at the age of 76 as a result of the Covid-19, we learned from his parliamentary assistant and his son.

“I have the immense sadness to announce to you this evening the disappearance of the deputy of Pas de Calais José Évrard following the Covid-19”, tweeted on the account of the deputy his assistant, Guillaume Kaznowski. The only son of the deceased, Rémi Evrard confirmed this disappearance to AFP, specifying that his father, hospitalized in Arras and who campaigned against the vaccination obligation and the health pass was “vaccinated”.

On Twitter, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan expressed his “immense sadness” for the disappearance of his “friend and colleague”, “son of a miner” who “embodied this land of the mining basin”, “faithful to his social convictions and deeply in love with France ”.

Ex-communist activist

Communist militant for 36 years, José Evrard had left the Communist Party to join the National Front in 2014 “for notions of sovereignty and national independence”, considering himself “betrayed on his commitments”. He had won for the FN the 3rd district of Pas-de-Calais, by 52.94% of the vote, in June 2017 against the Modem Patrick Debruyne. He then joined the Patriots in November 2017, a decision qualified as “treason” by the FN.

A postman by training before becoming a permanent member of the Communist Party in Lens for 15 years, this native of Cauchy-à-la-Tour, had made a final shift by joining in 2019 the Debout France party of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan. The President of the National Assembly Richard Ferrand, shared his “heartfelt and united thoughts” with his relatives in a tweet.

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