Jörg Thadeusz, moderator and author, in portrait: A very precise man – culture

The ARD has his great talk show on his conscience – he wrote a fantastic novel for it. A meeting with Jörg Thadeusz, who says: “The RBB were ruined by characterless people”.


Marlene Knobloch

No, it wasn’t like that. Reality wasn’t round. Not with a punch line. Not with “Zack” at the end. No, in the Ruhr area it’s not just honest, hearty people who pat themselves on the back, whose life has been marked by coal. No, “the family is talking shit again,” he says. No, you can write novel after novel and still not call yourself a writer. Your name is Jörg Thadeusz. Who, as a journalist, TV presenter, as a writer, has spent half his life doing nothing but being precise, listening and asking: How was that?

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