Jörg Pilawa: Separation from his wife Irina confirmed

Jörg Pilawa
Separation from his wife Irina confirmed

Jörg Pilawa and his wife Irina were married for 16 years.

© imago/Eventpress

They were a couple for 20 years, 16 of them married. Now Jörg Pilawa and his wife Irina are going their separate ways.

Jörg Pilawa (56) and his wife Irina have split up. The lawyer of the TV presenter has that confirmed by the “Bild” newspaper. According to a statement, the two have been “separated by mutual consent for several months”.

Further details about the love off are not known. The family also asks for privacy and will “not comment further on the subject,” said the lawyer.

They were a couple for 20 years

Jörg and Irina Pilawa were a couple for 20 years. The two said yes to each other 16 years ago. Their marriage produced three children together. Pilawa has another son from his first marriage.


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