Jörg Pilawa: moderator wishes “heart leaf” back

Jörg Pilawa
Moderator wishes “heart leaf” back

“Heart Leaf” in 2023? Pilawa would be there!

© GKL / Willi Weber

Jörg Pilawa reveals in an interview with spot on news that he can well imagine a new edition of his shows “Herzblatt” or “Pyramide”.

Jörg Pilawa (57) could well imagine a comeback of the shows “Herzblatt” or his former program “Pyramide”. In an interview on the sidelines of the SKL million event in Cologne, he explained that the thought had already occurred to him due to the many nostalgia moments on television: “At the moment, a lot of programs are making a comeback and that’s why I thought back to what I already did did on TV…”

Pilawa was able to name his favorites directly: “The ‘Pyramid’ (in Germany: ‘Hast du Words’) should definitely be done again because it was a really great guessing show, which definitely deserves another chance , is the ‘heart leaf'”. Pilawa can also understand the general retro trend, “because when you look back at the television, the glass of water is always half full, that’s always something positive”. “Dalli Dalli” or “Wetten, dass..?” were “collective television experiences that no longer exist today.” That’s why he can “understand the desire to revive it – and it’s working very well at the moment.”

Do you talk better as you get older?

The moderator is also not averse to having his own talk show: “When I see the shows from before, I always thought: It’s a shame that you were so young back then. Because I think you ask different questions when you’re older because you’re much more relaxed towards life and doesn’t have too many worries about offending.”

At the current SKL million event in Cologne, the moderator accompanied the gardener Dieter Stracke from North Rhine-Westphalia as a lucky godfather on his way to a million. The 57-year-old prevailed against 19 other candidates. Stracke would first like to use the money to treat himself to a trip. Despite his wealth, the new millionaire does not want to give up his job as a gardener and horse attendant.

For the event, 20 candidates were drawn at random from all SKL players. The 19 participants who didn’t win the million in the Rhine metropolis didn’t come for nothing either. Each of them won a sum of between 1,500 and 10,000 euros.

What is happiness for Jörg Pilawa?

Stimulated by the day dedicated to happiness, Pilawa also revealed what constitutes great happiness for him: “There is this beautiful sentence that becomes more and more important to me as I get older: ‘Happiness is the only thing that doubles when you share it !’ For me, happiness means sharing moments with good friends, acquaintances, families.” His new millionaire Stracke seems to see it the same way. He really wanted to deliver the good news to his loved ones personally: “I want to see their faces for real.”


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