Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard: Spicy Text Messages

Details in the court process
Spicy SMS: Johnny Depp wrote about Amber Heard’s ‘rotting corpse’

Spicy text messages became public in the court case between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard

© Evelyn Hockstein/AFP

Blatant lies, violence and drug addiction: the lawyers for Johnny Depp and Amber Heard didn’t hold back in their opening statements. Now private text messages were read out in court. In one, Depp writes to a friend about Amber Heard’s “rotting corpse.”

A mud laugh from the picture book: At the start of the civil trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, the ex-husbands’ lawyers sharply attacked the other side.

Heard damaged Depp’s reputation with shameless lies and fabricated statements and thus caused irreparable damage, Depp’s lawyer Benjamin Chew accused the actress. Heard’s attorney, Benjamin Rottenborn, promised evidence that would expose Depp as an alcohol and drug addict.

Depp: She ‘ruined such a cool life we ​​had for a while’

More juicy details emerged on Wednesday when Depp’s longtime friend and neighbor Isaac Baruch testified. In October 2016, during cross-examination by Heard’s attorney, Elaine Bredehoft, text messages between Depp and Baruch were revealed, including one in which Depp referred to Heard’s “rotting corpse”.

In the text, Depp said he hopes Heard’s “rotting corpse rots in the frigging trunk of a Honda Civic.” Baruch confirmed in court that the message was sent. He says, “Yes, it was written.” Depp also texted Heard, “That f*** ruined such a cool life we ​​had for a while.”

Baruch became emotional during cross-examination as he discussed how Heard’s allegations affected Depp and those close to the actor. Bredehoft then asked, “Mr. Baruch, you don’t know if Mr. Depp committed domestic violence against Amber Heard, do you?” Baruch replied after a pause, “I have never seen or witnessed anything of which he is accused. Never.”

The trial will take place in a court in Fairfax County, Virginia. It is expected that this will last six weeks.

Source: People


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