“Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard”: chronicle of a mud fight

The trial is just over a year when the Netflix documentary comes along: “Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard” sheds light on the absurdity of this spectacular trial and the tremor it triggered on social media around the world.

The media legacies of the year 2022 also include a word from the inexhaustible department of nonsense: megapint. It was born in May in a courtroom in Fairfax, Virginia. In fact, megapint was only uttered twice, when actress Amber Heard’s attorney asked her ex-husband, actor Johnny Depp, if he had poured himself that megapint of red wine during an argument.

Depp, slightly amused, asked back: “Megapint? It was a large glass of wine, yes.” Just to explain: A pint in the USA means a glass about half a liter in size, there is no such thing as a megapint.

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