Johnny Depp tried to stop Amber Heard’s countersuit

Trial Depp vs. Heard
Johnny Depp tried to stop Amber Heard’s countersuit

A jury verdict in the Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard case is expected this week

© Steve Helber / POOL / AFP

The lawyers completed their closing arguments on Friday evening. The jury is now in session and a verdict is expected this week. A few days ago, Johnny Depp’s team tried to prevent Amber Heard from being sued.

These are the final days in a trial that has had the world in turmoil. Johnny Depp is currently suing his ex-wife Amber Heard for $50 million in damages. Sparked by an interview the actress gave to The Washington Post newspaper in 2018. But it is not likely that he will receive this amount.

In the interview at the time, Amber Heard presented herself as a “well-known figure who has suffered domestic violence”. The effect of this statement was that it was referred to Johnny Depp and the latter who had lucrative roles such as his signature role “Jack Sparrow” in the film series “Bane of the Caribbean” lost. Because of these financial losses in recent years and the public reputation damage, he is now suing his ex-wife Amber Heard. If Depp were right by the jury this week and they ruled the case as defamation, it is not very likely that Heard will also have to pay her ex-husband the $ 50 million. In most cases, the jury proposes a sum that it considers appropriate. She has a free hand here, the sum can be more or less than the required 50 million dollars, but the jury usually sets it lower.

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Heard is also suing her ex-husband for $100 million for defamation. Johnny Depp’s legal team is said to have tried to prevent this counterclaim in court last Tuesday. But without success. The judge ruled that the jury should also decide on the counterclaim.

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s verdict doesn’t have to be unequivocal

Since it is a civil action, guilt does not have to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, as in a criminal case. The jury still has discretion over who to believe more and can use that to determine the verdict.

However, if Depp loses the case and the jury does not find the charges to be convicted, Heard will not have to pay her ex-husband any damages. But Depp then has the option to appeal the verdict, but that would only make sense if the actor could come up with more evidence or witnesses.

Sources: AS, news, Variety


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